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Saturday, 17 October 2015

Inquiry update: Movie Making WK2

This week we have been busy! busy! busy! trying to finish off the sets so that we are able to shoot some of the movie next week. We have completed the book covers for the books that the characters will materialise out of, the encyclopedia where the characters get lost in, the disco scenery where funky fun happens etc...

For the disco scene, we require several small torches (for the disco lights) and fishing line (to hoist up Spludge). We would be grateful if anyone could help with these materials.

This week the learning focus has been 'what is good teamwork?' and exploring calendars. Within our investigation of teamwork, the students have been discussing how we treat our colleagues is very important. This includes encouraging each other and listening to others.

We have created out own schedule with significant dates. We have explored how calendars are read as well as concepts of addition and subtraction through counting-on and counting-back.

The pages of the encyclopedia is now complete.

The book covers have been designed and books have been made for each characters.

The book covers are on display in the art space while they are not in use.

Students have also completed the disco scene with a colourful disco floor.

 Here is the completed disco scene with the floor and the bunting. The disco ball has been refined and will be ready for the shoot.

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