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Thursday, 22 October 2015

Inquiry Update: Movie Making Week 3

This week, the movie making group have been busy in the library and in the media room animating our four fabulous characters. We have also had numerous movie making workshops covering wide range of subjects from using Garageband to the use of part/part/whole strategies in addition and subtraction. We would like to say a big thank you to Andrea (Amory's mum) for coming in and helping us with the making of the sets and the props this week.

The students were asked to design the tractor (with a trailer) which the four characters will use to escape the encyclopedia.

As a part of the design, they needed to specify the measurements. They decided that overall, it will be 60cm long.

Students then explored the different measurements for each of the parts (tractor, link, trailer).

This became a whole group workshop on addition and subtraction using the part/part/whole strategy. This will be explored more explicitly during numeracy targets in week 4.

We were all excited to be using the media space.

Some rigging had to be constructed in order to make Spludge fly!

Hipster the DJ.

We also explored music making workshops using Garageband.

We are still exploring the possibilities of this complex software!

If you would like to come and help, we will be doing the majority of the filming on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 12pm-2pm. Please speak to Tomo for further details.

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