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Friday, 23 October 2015

Family Stories

As part of our inquiry into 'Messages can be conveyed through stories', the children have been asked to interview a family member about family histories or family stories.

The children formulated the following questions during our inquiry workshop to ask a family member.  The children can either write, record. create a photo board or draw pictures to represent their learning.

The children can choose any five of the following questions or they can write their own.

Where were you born?
What languages can you speak?
What family traditions do you have?
What is your favourite family celebration?
Can you tell me about a time when you were little?
Can you tell me about a time you were at school?
What was your favourite subject at school?
What was your favourite food when you were little?
Where is your favourite place to visit? and why?
Can you tell me a family story?

       Further information for parent and carers will be given to the children to take home on Monday afternoon.

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