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Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Inquiry Investigations – Costume Department

The year ones have been inquiring about ‘Creativity’ and our focus has been on how Messages can be relayed and received through different forms of expression.  We are exploring how stories can be expressed. The whole year one neighbourhood is involved in a collaboration to create a movie. The children have chosen 1 of 4 departments to participate in. The departments include creating the characters, settings, costumes and props. In the costume department the students have been creating a list of character costumes, designing costumes, labelling and finding fabric swatches for each characters costume.

All our costume designs can be viewed in the Art Studio.


Thursday, 23 July 2015

Attention Required: Morning Routines

The Year 1 neighborhood has made a change to our morning routines. Each room has been set up with a range of experiences covering a variety of learning areas, such as literacy, numeracy, science and art. Each week the home groups will rotate their meeting place for the morning drop offs, allowing them to interact with all the experiences available. 

Next week is as follows:
Red Group (1TH) - Art Studio (Room 14)
Yellow Group (1SV) - Learning Commons (Room 15)
Green Group (1NB) - Performance Space (Room 16)
Blue Group (1TS) - Torus (Near the Library)

The meeting rooms for each week will be updated on the blog through the What's Happening post and displayed on our Year 1 Notice Board outside the Art Studio.

If you have any questions or quires feel free to come and speak to any of the Year 1 teachers. 

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Inquiry - Prop Department

The whole year one neighbourhood is inloved in a collaboration to create a movie. The children have chosen 1 of 4 departments to participate in. The departments include creating the characters, settings, costumes and props. In the prop department the students have been brainstorming about what props we need to make and which ones we need to source. They started by designing the props and then created lists of possibly materials. The students are now creating prototypes of the props. 

A display of the prototypes is in the Art Studio (Room 14) 

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Welcome Back Year 1

Term 3

Welcome back to all our children and families in Year One. We are all very excited to be back to school.  The children are certainly rested and ready to take on the challenges in Term 3.

We extend a warm welcome to Mark Riley.  Mark has had a long association with our school, with extended teaching roles, support teaching and CRT support.  Mark will be with us for the first two weeks of Term 3 until a replacement has been appointed for Tony's position.

Blog Glitch

Since the beginning of May our Blog Posts have not been notifying  parents, as you may have noticed yesterday, when there was quite a bombardment of old posts.  The problem has been fixed however if you do not receive Blog Post notifications please contact one of the year 1 teachers.

Thank you
Year 1 teachers

Saturday, 11 July 2015

PARENT INFORMATION EVENING – Reading with your child

When: 28 July, 6:30-7:30pm
Where: PHPS Gymnasium
Presenter: David Hornsby

David Hornsby was with the Victorian Ministry of Education for 28 years and taught at every year level from Prep to Year 6. During that time, he also lectured at La Trobe University, the University of Melbourne and RMIT University. For 4 years he was an education department curriculum consultant in primary and secondary schools. He was the principal of Ringwood Heights Primary School for 5 years. He is now a full-time education consultant working with teachers and presenting at conferences both nationally and overseas. He has completed many lecture tours of the United States and the United Kingdom, and has also worked with teachers in Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malta, New Zealand, Singapore, Milan, Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. He has written or co-authored many books and two CD-ROM series.

Parents from the Community Relations sub-committee of school council will be present in the gym from 6pm to help answer questions around subscribing to the blogs, access to Compass, and general school communications.