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Saturday, 28 February 2015

Outdoor smells (Week 4)

Learning Intention: Exploring how our emotions connect with our sense of smell.

The children explored and collected natural objects. They smelt each object and thought about: What it reminded them of?

Some of the children's work can be viewed outside Room 14.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Home Reading

Some tips for reading at home with your child:

  • Ensure that reading is enjoyable for both you and your child
  • Discuss the book prior to reading to give confidence.
  • Look at the pictures and draw attention to images that are mentioned in the text.
  • Draw attention to some initial letters in words and what sound they make in that word.
  • Not all mistakes need to be corrected (while your child gains confidence)
  • Try not to always give the answer, be patient and give your child time to think.
  • Re-read sentences from the start and say the first sound of unknown words (point to the supportive images to give clues).
  • Always encourage any attempt to read and decipher the text.

This is a fantastic video that shows a positive home reading experience. 

Parent Info Night

Here is the PDF copy of the PowerPoint we presented at the Parent Info Night on Tuesday. If you still have any queries, please see your home group teacher.

NB: If you are viewing this in an email, you may have to go to our blog using the browser to view the documet.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

What's Happening - Week 4

This week in the Year 1 Neighbourhood...

Inquiry learning intention: 
"To find out how our emotions connect with our senses." We will continue to explore emotions, investigating how our sense of smell and sound connect with our emotions, using different forms of expressions during learning agreement.

Numeracy learning intentions: 
Counting and measurement. Students will be engaged in the Potato Olympics. This event will allow students to measure distance and weight and continue to extend their counting skills.

Literacy learning intention: 
Shared and independent writing and reading experiencesStudents will engage in shared and independent reading and writing experiences, including a ‘Step Inside’ to explore characters and writing an individual reflection.

Week Ahead
LA (9:00-11:00am - Parent helpers welcome)
Visual Art (All home groups)

LA (9:00-11:00am - Parent helpers welcome)
Circus Skills Workshops (1H, 1T & 1N)

Parent Information Night - 5:30pm
LA (9:00-11:00am - Parent helpers welcome)
Circus Skills Workshops (1S)

PE and Italian (1S & 1N)
Music workshops

Welcome Picnic - 6:00pm
LA (9:00-11:00am - Parent helpers welcome)
PE and Italian (1T & 1H)
Assembly in the gym and coffee cart available! 3pm – 3:30pm.

Headlines (Week 3)

As part of our inquiry on, how we express emotions, we read the picture story book, Little Beauty by Anthony Browne. The books message conveys to us that friendship can give us happiness and contentment.

The children were asked to capture the heart of the message using the thinking routine Headlines (Visible Thinking @Harvard Project Zero).  The student’s responses are displayed in our neighbourhood room 14.  Please come in and have a look.

Step Inside (Week 2)

The year 1 neighbourhood has been exploring the Thinking Routine Step inside (Visible Thinking @ Harvard Project Zero).   We used the Step inside routine to explore character and to get inside a character’s shoes.

We read two stories, I'm Glad to Say and Silly Willy, and the students were asked to step inside each character. We documented the student’s responses and our displays can be found in Room 14.  Please come in to view the student’s learning.

‘This routine helps students to explore different perspectives and viewpoints…’


Just a quick reminder to bring along a box of tissues to the neighbourhood.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Classifying our emotions (Week 3)

We used a Venn Diagram to classify our emotions from our emotion Word Wall.  We added a few emotions of our own.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Potato Olympics

This term, we will be holding The Potato Olympics in the year-1s as a part of our maths inquiry. We ask all students to bring to school their most athletic potato from home on Monday so we can begin training them up for the events. Any extra potatoes will also be welcome.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Feelings Mural (Week 3)

 Learning Intention:
To find out how we express emotions.

Last week the children worked on a Feelings Wall, adding words related to emotions.
As part of our Learning Agreement this week the children are extending the Feelings Wall by creating feelings murals.  Today the children begun by putting wooden letters on the Feelings Murals.  We will continue to work on our murals this week.

Friday, 13 February 2015

What's Happening - Week 3

This week in the Year 1 Neighbourhood...

Inquiry learning intention: 
"To find out how we express emotions." We will continue to explore emotions, investigating emotions students may not be familiar with, using different forms of expressions during learning agreement.

Numeracy learning intentions: 
Counting systemsStudents will explore different ways in which objects are counted and recorded, including counting in groups of twos and groups of tens. 

Literacy learning intention: 
Shared Reading ExperiencesStudents will engage in shared reading and writing experiences, including Big Book discussions and writing a whole class recount.

Week Ahead
LA (9:00-11:00am - Parent helpers welcome)
Visual Art (All home groups)

LA (9:00-11:00am - Parent helpers welcome)
Circus Skills Workshops (1H, 1T & 1N)

LA (9:00-11:00am - Parent helpers welcome)
Circus Skills Workshops (1S)

PE and Italian (1S & 1N)
Music workshops

LA (9:00-11:00am - Parent helpers welcome)
PE and Italian (1T & 1H)
Assembly in the gym and coffee cart available! 3pm – 3:30pm.

Numeracy (Week 2)

Learning IntentionCounting systemsStudents will explore different ways in which objects are counted and recorded, including counting in groups of twos and groups of tens.

Students in Year-1 explored counting systems by counting objects in large quantities. We investigated different ways of counting that enable us to count objects accurately. Students found that by grouping the objects into groups such as twos, fives, tens and hundreds, we were able to count them easier and with accuracy.

Here are some photos of our experience so far.

We began by counting unifix blocks and counters.

Lining unifix blocks to help with the count.

Counting by twos.
Grouping objects into tens.

We had 192 Pens.

We counted 91 post-it notes

We had 67 rubbers.
In week 3, students will be counting in twos, fives and tens during their Morning Maths Workout. Parents at home can support this by doing this at home, in cars or perhaps while taking a walk.

Circus Skills (Week 2)

Every week, children in Year-1 are given the opportunity to experience a circus skills workshop with the Little Devil's Circus. This week, the students were introduced to the hula-hoop, the ribbon, the diabolo and the spinning plates. Here are some photographs of the experience.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Feelings Wall (Week 2)

Learning Intention:
To find out how we express emotions.

As part of our Learning Agreement this week the children were asked to write down an emotion on our word wall.  They used magnetic coloured letters to write words.  We looked at the spelling and then wrote each word on a post-it note.  Each emotion has been placed on the word wall.

‘ad’ words
We noticed that some of our emotion words ended in ‘ad’.

The children thought up other words that ended in ‘ad’.
We are continuing to add words to our 'ad' wall.

Monday, 9 February 2015

What's Happening - Week 2

This week in the Year 1 Neighbourhood...

Inquiry learning intention: 
"To find out how we express emotions." We will explore this using different forms of expressions during learning agreement.

Numeracy learning intentions: 
Counting systems. Students will explore different ways in which objects are counted and recorded, including counting in groups of twos and groups of tens. 
Subitising. Students will familiarise themselves with subitising patterns, establishing strategies of recognising numbers and associate the number of items with numeral representations.

Literacy learning intention: 
Shared Reading Experiences. Students will engage in shared reading and writing experiences, including Big Book discussions and writing a whole class recount.

Week Ahead
Visual Art (All home groups)

Circus Skills Workshops (1H, 1T & 1N)

Circus Skills Workshops (1S)

PE and Italian (1S & 1N)

PE and Italian (1T & 1H)
Assembly in the gym and coffee cart available! 3pm – 3:30pm.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Action Required - Circus Skills Permission Notice

This term, as part of our inquiry around the ideas of 'Creativity', we have invited the 'Little Devil's Circus' to work with our students. The students went home with the permission notice for this activity last Thursday. We would like the forms completed and returned by this Monday (9th) and payments will need to be finalised by Friday 6th March.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Action Required - Assembly

With assembly on Friday afternoon at 3pm. The year ones will bring their bags with them to assembly which will be stored at the back of the gym. After assembly they will remain in the gym with their teachers. When all other neighbourhoods have left the gym the year one classes will assemble outside on the oval. Parents or guardians can collect the children from the back oval at 3.30pm.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Action Required - Parent Information Evening

The whole school Parent Information Evening will be held on Tuesday 24th February at 5:30pm in the school gymnasium. Following this, all neighbourhoods will be conducting a more focused information session in their areas. It is anticipated that the whole evening will conclude by 6:30pm.

Term 1 Specialist Times

The specialist times for term 1 are below. Note that the times may change some weeks due to special events. 

Monday - Visual Art (All Home Groups)

Thursday - Italian and PE  (1S & 1N)

Friday - Italian and PE (1T & 1H)

Please ensure that children are wearing suitable footwear on their PE days.