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Thursday, 17 December 2015

Happy Holidays

Thank you for a wonderful and joyful year!
We will miss the beautiful smiling faces of the children in our neighbourhood. We will also miss our lovely parent community.  Thank you for all your support.

Image result for happy holidays images australia

Seasons Greetings and have a happy and safe Holiday.

Monday, 14 December 2015

The Fabulous Four

Here is The Fabulous Four movie. This was a massive collaboration project by the year-1 students, parents and teachers of Princes Hill Primary School. We would like to thank everyone who helped make this movie possible. We would like to give a special thanks to Nova, Ben, Deb, Marley and Leigh who gave up their time, guiding us in making the movie.

I would also like to congratulate all the students in year-1. Every single one of you contributed in the making of this movie! Well done!

Youtube link:

A big thank you!

Here is the trailer to The Fabulous Four.

We would like to thank all those people who turned up to the premier. It was truly a fabulous event! For all those who weren't able to come today, don't worry, we shall be putting the full length movie on the blog later.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Getting reading for our Movie Premiere

In the past couple of week the children have been working towards the Movie Premiere of our movie the 'Fabulous Four'.  We have been creating posters, tickets, and writing invitations to parents and dignitaries. 

Well Being - Gratefulness Journals

Research from Emmons show that, “Children who practice grateful thinking have more positive attitudes towards school and their families.”

Sometimes we forget to say thank-you or to appreciate what others do for us and we go about our daily lives without ever stopping to think about how lucky we are for what we have. We asked the children to think about something that they have been grateful for and encourage the children to think about the simple things that parents or friends do each day.

In the past month the children have been working on Gratefulness Journals.  We read numerous stories on the importance of being thankful, such as, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and The Plane Tree by Aesop.

John F Kennedy firmly believed, “’We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives."

We also created a whole neighbourhood Gratefulness / Thankfulness quilt.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Movie Premiere and Year One Neighbourhood Presentation

On Tuesday 15th December the Year One Neighbourhood will be presenting the premiere of our animation movie the 'Fabulous Four' in the Gym.  Parents and carers are asked to be seated before the students arrive.  The teachers will take the roll in the morning in our home-groups and will bring the children across to the gym by 9.10am ready to begin.
A display of the student's work and documentation of our inquiry will be on display in the gym. The children will be singing our theme song for the 'Fabulous Four' movie and we will be screening our movie. After all the formal proceedings, tea and coffee will be available in the foyer of the gym.  We ask parents to please bring along a plate to share for morning tea.


Thank you so much for continued assistance.

Year One Assembly

This Friday 11th December the year one neighbourhood will be performing at assembly and singing our original theme song for our movie 'Fabulous 4'. There will also be a short 'teaser' for our movie 'Fabulour 4'. The finished movie premiere will be presented to the year one neighbourhood community next week (see Movie Premier blog post)

Parent Helpers afternoon tea - Thank you

Dear Parents/Carers,

A reminder for those who will be attending the Parent Thank You afternoon tea … it will be held on Monday 14th December at 2:00 pm in the gym foyer.

If you have been been given a return slip can you please return it to your home-group teacher.  It will help us with catering arrangements.

Thank you

Julie Effemey

STAR WARS Dress Up Day

There will be a STAR WARS themed dress up day next Thursday.

It is to celebrate the release of the new STAR WARS movie. 

Date: Thursday the 17th of December 2015

What's happening in Week 10

Week Ahead

We have a new timetable this week due to planning for next year.

*** By the end of the week (Thursday and Friday) we will be starting the process of cleaning up our neighbourhood for next year.  Any parent helpers willing to assist us in the morning we would be most grateful.

Inquiry Workshops
Sport (1SV)

Inquiry Workshops


Inquiry Workshops (9-11am - Parent helpers welcome for cleaning up)
Art (1TS), Art (1NB), Sport (1TH), Sport (1SV), Art (1SV),

Inquiry Workshops (9-11am - Parent helpers welcome for cleaning up)
Art (1SV), Art (1TS), Sport (1NB), Sport (1TH), Art (1TH), Art (NB)
Assembly in the gym at 3pm

Action Required: Plastic, Paper or Recycled Bag

The children will be taking all their books home by the end of the week (except for their visual diary).  We request the children bring to school an extra bag to place all their books inside.


Saturday, 5 December 2015

Action Required: Please return library books

Last week was the last opportunity for borrowing books from the school library. It would be greatly appreciated if children could begin to return books back to the library. Leigh has asked that all books be returned by the end of Week 10 (11th December).


Tuesday, 1 December 2015

School Picnic

On Wednesday 9th of December we will be having our annul school picnic. 

Where: Princes Park.
How do we get there: Walking  
What to bring: We ask that the children bring along their regular lunch to eat and a snack to share afterwards e.g. biscuits, chips, fruit etc.,
Departing time: 10.00am
Returning about: 1.30pm

Parent helpers are welcome and picnic rugs would be greatly appreciated.

In case of bad weather please inform your child that the picnic will be cancelled and another suitable day will be chosen.

Thank you

Wednesday, 25 November 2015


It has been noticed that across the school not all students are wearing a hat during lunch and recess. As part of our sun smart policy we would like to remind all children to bring a hat to school for the rest of the Term. 

Image result for sun smart hats

Sunday, 15 November 2015

What’s Happening in Week 7

Week Ahead

Inquiry (9-11am & 12-2pm - Parent helpers welcome)
Italian (1NB)
Visual Art (1TS, 1SV, 1TH)

Inquiry (9-11am & 12-2pm - Parent helpers welcome)

Inquiry (9-11am - Parent helpers welcome)
PE and Italian (1SV)
Art and PE (1NB)

Tabloid Sports (9am-11am)
Inquiry (12-2pm - Parent helpers welcome)
Music workshops

Inquiry (9-11am - Parent helpers welcome)
PE and Italian (1TS & 1TH)
Assembly in the gym at 3pm

Inquiry learning experiences:
"How messages can be conveyed through stories" 
Students can engage in the following provocations:
·         Family Stories – Making clay families, creating family trees
·         Movie – Creating the movie poster
·         Cultural Stories – Planning and creating popsicle stick/sock puppets, making collage scenery, filming puppet plays
·         Math Stories – Planning and creating number stories, turning number stories into mini films, making personal calendars. 

Numeracy learning experiences: 
  • Subtraction  - exploring the subtraction concept through number stories
  • Mapping skills – giving and following directions to a familiar place in the Year 1 neighbourhood
Literacy learning experiences: 
  • Guided Reading
  • Personal Writing
  • Shared Reading – ‘The Fox and the Little Red Hen’
  • Engaging in Reading Response experiences
  • Writing Target – LA reflection
  • Literature Study – Rhyming Books – Lynley Dodd (Hairy Maclary)

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Nurturing Biodiversity: The return of the Sacred Kingfisher

Celebrate a living story of hope for our future and the rejuvenation of the Merri Creek. Learn how humans can support biodiversity, at the Village Green, CERES.
Every year since the Sacred Kingfisher was seen again in the Merri Creek environment, we celebrate it's return to the woodlands of Victoria.
We also celebrate the great work regenerating the Merri Creek and demonstrate how we can support biodiversity, which encourages flora and fauna to thrive in the catchment.
Sunday 22 November 2015
Workshops and tours from 1.00 pm
CERES site groups, Wild Melbourne, the Australian Wildlife Conservancy and Friends of the Merri Creek are just some of the amazing groups focussing on biodiversity and the creek environment.
Story and Boogie 4.00pm
C E R E S Corner Roberts & Stewart Streets, Brunswick East
> Walk > Ride > Tram 96 > Bus 508

Diwali - The Festival of Lights

Asha's mum Mugdha Rai came into our neighbourhood today to share with us a traditional Indian celebration called Diwali, "the Festival of Lights". 

Diwali is an ancient Hindu festival celebrated in autumn (northern hemisphere) or spring (southern hemisphere) every year. Diwali is one of the largest and brightest festivals in India. The festival spiritually signifies the victory of good over evil.The festival extends over a five-day period.
The children had so many questions to ask Mugdha and Asha.
Image result for diwali celebration
Mugdha brought along a traditional sweet, 'jalegi', to share with all the children in the neighbourhood.
Diwali festival jalebi recipe

We would like to thank Mugdha for taking the time to talk to us about Diwali.